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Getting Started
How can I add services in Salonist?Guide on setting up services in Salonist
Manage / Change Business Logo on salonistGuide a target audience how they can change the business logo and branding on salonist
Manage/ Customize the own profile page on Salonist?A guide explaining how to edit and personalize your Salonist profile page
How are the services imported or exported?A guide explaining how salonist services are imported or exported?
How can I Add packages in Salonist?A guide explaining how to add packages in Salonist.
How can I change the services' name and price?A brief guide on changing and updating the service pricing in salonist
How can I keep track of my expenses in Salonist ?A guide explaining how to monitor your costs in Salonist.
How Multiple location works ?Guide on how the multiple locations works in Salonist.
How to check the upcoming Clients Birthday and Anniversary ?Guide on how you can check upcoming birthday or anniversaries in Salonist
How to add different locations?Guide on how to add different locations in the Salonist.
How to create Consent Forms?Guide on how you can create the consent form in Salonist.
How to create and assign membership?Guide on how you can create and assign memberships in Salonist
How to redeem E-wallet membership?A Guide on how you can redeem the E-wallet Membership in Salonist.
How to manage the Leads in Salonist ?A quick guide on how you can manage the leads in Salonist
How to setup the loyality and rewards points ?A guick guide on how you can setup the loyality and reward points in Salonist.
How to run Email Campaigns?A guide on how you can run the email campaigns in Salonist
How to enable or disable the notifications in salonist ?A guide on how you can enable or disable the notifications in salonist.
How to add or delete different payment modes ?A guide on how you can add or delete the different payment modes in Salonist.
Dashboard UpdatesA brief guide on dashboard updates in Salonist.
How to add lead type and stage in Salonist ?A brief guide on how you can add the lead type and lead stage in salonist.
What's the use of Dashboard ?A brief guide on the use of dashboard in Salonist.
What's the difference between a generate gift card and an add gift card?A brief guide on difference between a generate gift card and an add gift card in Salonist.
In case of any issues, how may a client submit a support ticket?A guide on how may a client submit a support ticket in Salonist.
How can I check my current Salonist plan?A guide on how you can check the current salonist plan.
How do I delete the services?A brief guide on how you can delete the services in Salonist.