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Client Management
How can I add a client to the salonist ?A guide on how you can add a client to the salonist.
How can I look up a client's outstanding payments?A quick guide on a client's outstanding payments in Salonist
What is meant by the terms "active & inactive period"?A guide on active and inactive period in salonist
Can I add other fields, like the villa number and additional details for the customers?Guide on how you can often add custom fields to capture additional information of client in salonist
How can I add a Client group?A guide on creating a client groups to organize your clients based on different criteria.
How can I change or remove a client group?A brief guide on to change or remove a client group in Salonist
How to add client notes?A short summary on how you can add the clients notes in Salonist.
How can I look up a client's history?Certainly! Here's a brief guide on how to look up a client's history in Salonist.
How can the client be deleted?Here is the brief guide to delete a client in Salonist.
"How can we Import or Export the clients?"Here's a detailed guide on how to import or export clients in Salonist:
How may a salonist add a client's advance or extra payment?Guide on how you can manage advance or a extra payment by the client in Salonist.
How to edit the client in Salonist ?A quick guide on how you can edit the client in the salonist.
How can I get the Male/Female and Active/Inactive client list in Salonist?A quick guide on how you can view the client type list in Salonist.
How to assign Consent Forms to Clients?A quick guide on how you can add the consent form for the clients in Salonist
How can I add a client's image to Salonist?A Guide on how you can able to add a client's image and personalize their profile within the Salonist
How to add clients Before and After Picture in Salonist ?Guide on how you can add the client's before and after picture in Salonist
How to add clients Documents & Treatments in Salonist ?Guide on how you can add clients documents and treatments in Salonist
How to clear the E wallet amount ?A guide on how you can clear the e wallet amount of the client in the salonist.
How to add client's GST number ?A guide on how you can add the client's GST number in Salonist.
How to add client's address ?A guide on how you can add the client's address in the Salonist.
How can I enable and disable notifications for individual client ?A guide on how you can set the individual client notifications in Salonist.
How can I view my clients' total visits?A guide on how you can view the total client's visit in Salonist.
How we can check new clients details ?A brief guide on how you can check the details of new client in Salonist.
How we can check clients with particular membership ?A brief guide on how to check the clients with particular membership in Salonist.
How can we view details of Old clients?A guide on how you can view the details of old clients in Salonist.
How can I add and remove notes at the time of billing?A guide on how you can add and remove the notes at the time of billing in Salonist.
How to hide, unhide, and arrange fields in the client column?A brief guide on how to hide, unhide, and organize the fields in the client part of Salonist.
How to check the client's number of visits in the salon?A guide on how you can check the client's visits in the salon on Salonist.
How "Pet" feature works in Salonist?A guide on how the pet feature works in Salonist.